How to Get By Without a Steady Source of Income

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When you’re not working a steady part or full-time job, it can affect your finances in different ways. You might earn a large income from freelance, seasonal, commission, or contract work all at one time, then spend months looking for another opportunity. Because of this, keeping up with monthly bills while attempting to save for not only an emergency fund but your financial future, in general, can be a trying task. Whatever the type of work you might be involved with, living without a steady source of income takes some careful planning and budgeting to prepare for the periods of little-to-no income. The Rebound Finance Team has a few tips below so that you can create a budget that suits your lifestyle, despite your inconsistent income.

Keep a Record of Your Income

The first step you should take is to keep a record of all your paychecks, invoices, or pay-stubs from however many jobs you work. This way you’ll be able to calculate how much you make on a monthly/yearly basis. Then you can:

Deal With Your Other Bills Beforehand

Whatever income you do earn, it’s best to use it to pay off your monthly bills right away, as soon as you’re paid. Afterwards, you’ll be able to see what remains, then dedicate it to your other necessary expenses or to your savings account.

Calculate the Inconsistent/Unexpected Costs

While your primary budget should consist of the necessary expenses, such as, groceries, housing costs/rent, transportation-related costs, utilities and paying your other monthly bills. Once this is ready, you can start on a secondary budget which will be dedicated to the inconsistent or unexpected costs.

Dedicate Your Regular Income to Your General Expenses

Consider which sources of income are the most frequent ones. You should dedicate those more regular sources to all your important and necessary expenses. Relying too much on an inconsistent source of income as a way to pay off say, your rent, is just asking for financial trouble down the line. You can then use your other, less frequent incomes for other costs that aren’t as important, such as consumer goods, leisure, and vacation time.

Just remember, the vital expenses like your rent/mortgage, food/household items, and bill repayment should come first. So, if you really need to use some of the earnings from your irregular income sources to pay these costs, do so.

Hope for the Best, but be Prepared for the Worst

Whether you’re making a steady income or not, it’s important to remember that situations can happen that are simply out of your control. These financial emergencies can be a huge drain on your finances. Consider the following:

Spend and Save Wisely

If you aren’t currently earning a steady income, don’t worry, it is possible to get by and still have a solid financial future. What you need to do is calculate all your general expenses, then spend and save your money wisely. In fact, living without a regular income is a good way to learn how to budget properly and not fall into unhealthy spending habits.